Wonderful Willy Wonka performances in House Drama

by Vashti Turner  on April 2, 2015  in  Creativity Drama House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

IMG_4835 (2)House Drama this half term saw each form group devise and perform a scene from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Staff and students worked incredibly hard to produce scenes that were original, creative and entertaining and their hard work paid off as the final performances were absolutely fantastic.

As well as writing scripts and rehearsing students created fantastic sets, props and costumes for their scenes. The performances included some incredibly creative staging as characters were stuck in a chocolate river, transported via television, thrown down a rubbish chute, swallowed by a marshmallow bed, and transformed to the size and shape of a blueberry. Students also wrote original Oompa Loompa songs and choreographed dance routines.

The competition was judged by a star-studded panel including Head of Drama from Chelsea Academy Amy Avilia, EastEnders actor Charlie G Hawkins, and 2010 Strictly Come Dancing champion and Mr Selfridge actress Kara Tointon. All three judges were incredibly impressed by the performances of our Year 7s, and said the competition was extremely close. The judges were looking for creativity and originality, audience engagement, focus, and character. Each form was given a score out of 40 (10 points available for each criteria) and the scores of both classes in each house were added together to find a winner. Whilst the scores were being calculated Kara Tointon answered some fantastic questions from KAA students interested in careers in the Performing Arts.

Each and every class produced a fantastic performance – but the winners were Honeyball with their first victory in a house competition. Well done Honeyball! A huge thank you to all staff and students for their dedication and enthusiasm, without which this spectacular production would not have taken place.

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