Year 7 Induction Week

by Vashti Turner  on September 4, 2015  in  House Competitions

IMG_1216Our second cohort of KAA students started on Tuesday 1st September and completed an Induction Week full of new and exciting activities.

Students met their form tutors, discussed the meaning of the school motto and core values, chose their Enrichment activities at the Enrichment fair, experienced taster lessons with their new drama, art, music, design technology and PE teachers, rehearsed and performed the school song, and began theirĀ form scrapbooks.

IMG_1303The week was completed with the students’ first ever Rewards Assembly celebrating the achievements of the busy four days of induction activities. Two new students spoke to their Year group about their reflections on the week and what is means to live Intrepidus. The year group has made a fantastic start to the year, with large numbers of students earning commendations in their first week. As a result of merits gained for excellence, creativity, resilience and citizenship Honeyball house are in the lead for the house cup with 575 points after just four days of term.

Year 8 students return for an Induction Day on Monday 7th September, with both year groups returning to school from Tuesday 8th September for what is set to be a fantastic second year at KAA.

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