Angelou Wins House Drama!

by Joanne Chen  on May 24, 2024  in  House Competitions

The major house competition for Summer 1 was House Drama, which saw each house perform a segment from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to create a full show for the audience. Throughout the half term students devised and rehearsed their scenes during tutor time rehearsals. On Thursday 23rd May, they performed to an audience of Year 9s during lesson 3, Year 8s during lesson 4, and Year 7 during lesson 5. The final performance judged by special guests Hannah Azuonye, a theatre and television actress, and Alfie Joe Sanders, an actor, producer, and creative.

Students put on amazing show and the final results were incredibly close. After careful scoring by our guest judges, Angelou emerged victorious, earning 20,000 house points with their total of 89/100. Franklin followed closely in second place with 15,000 points, scoring 86/100. Pankhurst placed third with 83/100 and earning 10,000 points, and Honeyball finished fourth with 75/100 and earning 5,000 points. For more photos, visit our website.

With this victory, Angelou has now edged into first place in the house points standings. Pankhurst has slipped into second place but remains close behind. As the race for the house cup tightens, it all comes down to the final major competition – Sports Day!

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