
Category: House Competitions

House Competitions & Christmas Video

by Vashti Turner  on December 18, 2020  in  Academy News House Competitions

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House Competitions & Christmas Video - Preview Image

Launch of House Art for Autumn 2

by Vashti Turner  on November 9, 2020  in  House Competitions

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Launch of House Art for Autumn 2 - Preview Image

Angelou win House Debating and take the lead in the House Cup

by Vashti Turner  on October 19, 2020  in  House Competitions

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Angelou win House Debating and take the lead in the House Cup - Preview Image

House Debating 2020

by Vashti Turner  on October 6, 2020  in  House Competitions

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House Debating 2020 - Preview Image

Student Council elections results and House Art winners revealed

by Vashti Turner  on December 20, 2019  in  House Competitions Student Council

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Student Council elections results and House Art winners revealed - Preview Image

Franklin win third consecutive Sports Day

by Vashti Turner  on July 22, 2019  in  House Competitions Sports

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Franklin win third consecutive Sports Day - Preview Image

Franklin win in the return of the KAA swimming gala

by Vashti Turner  on July 2, 2019  in  House Competitions Sports

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Franklin win in the return of the KAA swimming gala - Preview Image

Angelou win House Drama 2019

by Vashti Turner  on April 8, 2019  in  Creativity Drama House Competitions

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Angelou win House Drama 2019 - Preview Image