Honeyball wins House Music 2019

by Vashti Turner  on October 19, 2019  in  Creativity House Competitions Music Performance and Creative Arts

The very first major house competition for the 2019-20 academic year was a Black History Month themed House Music. Students were tasked with covering a song made famous by a black artist.

After a busy term rehearsing during tutor time twice a week, on Thursday 17th October students performed twice to Year 8 and Year 9 audiences, and finally to a packed theatre of Year 7s and the judging panel.

Angelou performed first, covering One Night Only from Dreamgirls accompanied by Ezekiel on bass guitar. Pankhurst were up next with Feeling Good made famous Nina Simone, accompanied by Rene on sax. Third on stage were Honeyball performing a cover of Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys with Neon on piano. The final performance by Franklin saw students cover Crown by Stormzy, with students playing guitar, sax, drums and percussion.

The judges’ final verdict was announced during the end of half term celebrations during period 5 on Friday 18th October – with Honeyball crowned winners, and Franklin and Pankhurst sharing second place.

Our thanks to our fantastic external judges and Miss Cockell for running the fantastic competition. A huge well done to every student involved for a great performance by all.

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