Residential Week

by Vashti Turner  on August 17, 2017  in  Parents Trips

As you will hopefully be aware, the KAA school year will be starting on September 11th with a series of tailor made residentials for all students. Letters about the trip were posted home at the end of last term, however, if you did not receive this you can find a copies here.

The residential is completely free and to secure your child’s place, all you have to do is complete an electronic consent and medical form, which can be found here.

The residential is a fantastic opportunity for your child to get to know their fellow KAA students through fun team building games and take part in exciting outdoor challenges.

We hope that 100% of students will attend the residential. If you do have hesitations, we will be holding a series of information evenings at Ark Burlington Danes Academy, where we will seek to reassure you. Dates of the information evenings, along with a list of Frequently Asked Questions, can be found here.

Parent Information Evenings to provide further details about the trips will take place on the following days:

Year 12 & Year 13 – Friday 1st September 6.30pm-7.30pm

Year 7 – Monday 4th September 6.30pm-7.30pm

Year 8 – Tuesday 5th September 6.30pm-7.30pm

Year 9 – Wednesday 6th September 6.30pm-7.30pm

Year 10 – Thursday 7th September 6.30pm-7.30pm

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