Year 8 Progress Meetings – Thursday 7th March

by Joanne Chen  on February 26, 2024  in  Academy News

Year 8 Progress Meetings will take place on Thursday 7th March from 4.30pm – 7.30pm.

Parents’ evenings are compulsory for parents to attend, as directed by the Department for Education, and they are a vital part of the partnership between school and home to ensure your child’s success. Your child must accompany you in full school uniform.

At the progress meetings, you and your child will have an opportunity to have conversations with each of their teachers. The teachers will discuss their assessment grades, behaviour and progress in lessons, and give them targets for how to improve in order to reach their potential in advance of their end of spring term assessments in March.

We do not operate an appointment system, as these tend to overcomplicate matters, particularly where a conversation takes longer than expected. If at any point during the evening you have to wait a few minutes to see a particular teacher, we ask that you be patient with us.

To confirm your attendance, all parents/carers must complete this Google Form.

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