Sixth Form Enrolment Day 2020

by Vashti Turner  on August 13, 2020  in  Admissions Exams Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form enrolment day takes place next Thursday 20th August as Year 11 students collect their GCSE results. The information provided below explains the process for current KAA students, external offer holders and other students interested in a place at KAA.  

Enrolment Day at KAA

Current KAA students who have applied to KAA Sixth Form can collect their results and then enrol at school immediately. Offer holders from other schools should go to their current school to collect their results, and then come to KAA to enroll. We have now had close to 1,000 applications, so we can only hold places until 11am on enrolment day, at which point we will make spaces available to students on the waiting list.

Students will need to bring their statement of results and a form of photo ID.

We are very aware of the need to remain Covid-secure during the enrolment process, and we will be operating a queuing system and a one-way system. We ask parents, carers and friends not to accompany applicants unless it is absolutely necessary, and for all applicants entering the building to use the hand sanitiser provided. Regulations do not currently require people to wear masks in schools, but we understand that many people are now used to doing so on entering a building, and we would welcome anyone who decides to do so. We will not be providing a seated waiting area, as this makes it harder to avoid contact with others, so applicants are likely to have to remain standing in the queue while they wait to be enrolled. We will make this as quick as we can, but some delays are unfortunately inevitable. If you find standing for extended periods difficult for any reason, please let a member of staff know as soon as you arrive, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Online Enrolment Process

If students are out of the country, self-isolating, or unable to make it to KAA for any other reason, we will be running a parallel online enrolment process, with a senior member of staff dedicated to it throughout the day. Please email Miss Boyle (Head of Year 13) with confirmation of the courses you wish to study, a scan of your results and a scan of your photo ID. Miss Boyle will enrol students with the same conditions and the same priority order as if they were enrolling in person, and will deal with emails in the order in which they are received.

(Very) Late Applicants

If you are new applicant whose results meet our criteria and would now like to express an interest in KAA Sixth Form, then you can come to school on enrolment day (20th August) and ask about spaces. Please note, however, that it is unlikely we will have space given the very high volume of applications we have received this year. Applicants for smaller subjects – for example Dance, Music, Art, Drama, French or German – are particularly welcome.

2 responses to Sixth Form Enrolment Day 2020

  • How will KAA address situations where a student has received an offer from KAA and their predicted GCSE grades are 7s and 8s but due to this government algorithm of allocating grades, they get below 7 (which is required to study their chosen A level subjects at KAA), will KAA still accept the student or will their be other conditions to fill for example their subject teachers references or head of year references?

    I’m just trying to see if the door will be completely closed to external students who have received an offer but didn’t get the grade, will there still be a chance for them to study with yourselves?

    A concerned Parent

  • Dear Mrs Scott,

    You may have seen that this afternoon Ofqual have announced that they are changing the way the GCSE grades will be awarded so that students will receive either the Centre Assessed Grade suggested by your child’s teacher, or the moderated grade, whichever is higher. It may be that your child needs to request their original Centre Assessed Grade from their current school, but we will be able to enroll students with either the Centre Assessed Grade or the Standardised Grade if they meet our entry requirements.

    If in any doubt, your child should attend with their results on Thursday 20th August to speak to one of our senior leaders or use the email for online enrollment which was sent to offer holders last week.

    If you have any further questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the school at

    Kind regards,
    Miss Turner

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