
Category: House Competitions

Angelou Wins House Drama!

by Joanne Chen  on May 24, 2024  in  House Competitions

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Angelou Wins House Drama! - Preview Image

Angelou Wins House Debating!

by Joanne Chen  on March 28, 2024  in  House Competitions

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Angelou Wins House Debating! - Preview Image

Honeyball Wins House Dance!

by Joanne Chen  on February 9, 2024  in  Dance House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

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Honeyball Wins House Dance! - Preview Image

Pankhurst victorious in House Music 2023!

by Vashti Turner  on October 20, 2023  in  House Competitions Music Performance and Creative Arts

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Pankhurst victorious in House Music 2023! - Preview Image

Sport Day – Thursday 13th July 2023

by Vashti Turner  on July 9, 2023  in  House Competitions Sports

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Sport Day – Thursday 13th July 2023 - Preview Image

Angelou win House Drama!

by Vashti Turner  on March 31, 2023  in  House Competitions

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Angelou win House Drama! - Preview Image

Pankhurst win House Dance 2023!

by Vashti Turner  on February 11, 2023  in  Dance House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

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Pankhurst win House Dance 2023! - Preview Image

Honeyball win House Music and finish Aut1 in the lead for the house cup

by Vashti Turner  on October 21, 2022  in  House Competitions Music

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Honeyball win House Music and finish Aut1 in the lead for the house cup - Preview Image

Pankhurst secure their second House Cup victory!

by Vashti Turner  on July 19, 2022  in  Academy News House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

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Pankhurst secure their second House Cup victory! - Preview Image