
Category: House Competitions

Charity Week: KAA’s Got Talent

by Vashti Turner  on November 20, 2015  in  Charity Creativity Drama House Competitions

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Charity Week: The KAA Bake Off

by Vashti Turner  on November 19, 2015  in  Charity House Competitions

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Honeyball take House Points lead in Aut1 Awards Assembly

by Vashti Turner  on October 23, 2015  in  House Competitions

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Year 7 Induction Week

by Vashti Turner  on September 4, 2015  in  House Competitions

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Pankhurst win Sports Day Trophy

by Vashti Turner  on July 16, 2015  in  House Competitions Sports

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House Debating: The Results

by Vashti Turner  on May 21, 2015  in  House Competitions Partnership

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Wonderful Willy Wonka performances in House Drama

by Vashti Turner  on April 2, 2015  in  Creativity Drama House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

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Sir Rod Aldridge attends end of term assembly

by Vashti Turner  on January 9, 2015  in  Academy News House Competitions Sponsor Uncategorized

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