Pankhurst win House Art & Design

by Vashti Turner  on October 26, 2021  in  Academy News Citizenship Creativity House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

The final day of the Autumn1 term on Friday 22nd October saw celebration tutor sessions where students received their commendation certificates, silver merits and gold merits for the half term and the total house points for the first half term were announced.

The interim competitions for Autumn 1 included a Planking challenge (tied win between Franklin & Pankhurst), girls’ football (won by Angelou), boys’ football (tied win between Honeyball and Pankhurst), TikTok quiz (won by Pankhurst), and a Community Letter Writing Challenge (won by Franklin). For each of the interim competitions the house receive 5,000 points for a win, 3,750 points for second place, 2,500 points for third place and 1,250 points for fourth place.

With the points tallied for all of these interim competitions, Franklin was just 1,000 points ahead of Pankhurst in second place, and only 3,750 points ahead of Honeyball and Angelou in joint third place.

The major house competition for Autumn 1 was House Art & Design. Students were challenged to create two or more puppets and create a video of a folk story with their puppets. The videos premiered at the House Art final on Thursday 21st October, with select students awarded golden tickets to attend the after school event with refreshments as a reward for displaying intrepidus, excellence, creativity, citizenship and resilience in the Autumn 1 term.

All four entries can be watched below on our YouTube channel:





Our Head of Art, Ms Parker, and Art Technician, Ms Taylor, were judges for the live final. Pankhurst were awarded first place for their Four Dragons video, which means 20,000 house points! Franklin were placed second, winning them 15,00 house points. Honeyball and Angelou were awarded joint third place, and 10,000 house points a piece.

The house points for commendations, silver merits and gold merits were then added to the points totals as certificates and merit stickers were handed out to students.

The end of half term tutor time session also saw the reveal for the winner of the Autumn 1 attendance shield – won by Honeyball for highest attendance and worth 5,000 points for first place.

The final house points totals were then revealed… congratulations to PANKHURST who have finished the first half term in the lead for the 2021-22 house cup! Don’t forget to put the dates for next half term’s competitions in your planner now!

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