Our Ethos & Values


Intrepidus: (adj.) undaunted, fearless, bold

Our students are not afraid to take risks, and they recognise mistakes as opportunities to learn. Through our curriculum provision, they learn to be entrepreneurial in their attitude – articulate, focused, ambitious, and passionate.

Core Values


We aspire to greatness not only in academics, but in everything we do. Whether it be sport, music, drama, or simply our general attitude and behaviour – we aim to be the best we can be.

We love a challenge, and understand that setbacks and mistakes are just opportunities to improve. Our abilities aren’t fixed – some things take more time to learn but we will master them eventually. We love a challenge, and understand that setbacks and mistakes are just opportunities to improve.

In lessons, new learning is always presented as a problem to be solved, and creativity and original thinking is rewarded. We encourage students to ask questions and develop a range of creative talents across the curriculum.

We put the needs of others’ before our own, knowing that a strong community spirit will benefit us all. Together we are greater than the sum of our parts.

The full Kensington Aldridge Academy mission statement can be read here: KAA Mission Statement