
Category: House Competitions

Honeyball wins House Drama

by Vashti Turner  on April 5, 2022  in  House Competitions Performance and Creative Arts

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Honeyball wins House Drama - Preview Image

Angelou win interim karaoke competition!

by Vashti Turner  on January 27, 2022  in  House Competitions

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Angelou win interim karaoke competition! - Preview Image

Pankhurst in the lead at the end of Autumn 2

by Vashti Turner  on December 17, 2021  in  House Competitions

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Pankhurst in the lead at the end of Autumn 2 - Preview Image

Franklin win House Music

by Vashti Turner  on December 17, 2021  in  Academy News House Competitions Music

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Franklin win House Music - Preview Image

Franklin win Sixth Form Cook Off

by Vashti Turner  on November 22, 2021  in  Creativity House Competitions

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Franklin win Sixth Form Cook Off - Preview Image

Angelou wins 2020-21 house cup!

by Vashti Turner  on July 17, 2021  in  House Competitions

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Angelou wins 2020-21 house cup! - Preview Image

Spring 2 House Competitions Launch!

by Vashti Turner  on February 22, 2021  in  House Competitions

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Spring 2 House Competitions Launch! - Preview Image

Food bank community collection

by Vashti Turner  on December 19, 2020  in  Academy News Charity Citizenship House Competitions

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Food bank community collection - Preview Image