House System
All KAA students are members of one of our four houses. Students with an older sibling at KAA join the same house as their sibling, otherwise students are allocated to one of the four at the start of Year 7. Our houses are the four building blocks of KAA life. They are named after women who exemplify an INTREPIDUS spirit and changed the world for the better through their actions. Our houses provide a focal point for academy events, competitions and rewards. They are strong communities of students and staff which develop a sense of belonging, pride and identity. Commendations, attendance, rewards and competitions all earn house points, and at the end of every half term we update students on the current positions. At the end of year assembly we reveal the winner of the House Cup.
House Cup Winners
2014/15: Pankhurst
2015/16: Honeyball
2016/17: Angelou
2017/18: Franklin
2018/19: Honeyball
2019/20: Franklin
2020/21: Angelou
2021/22: Pankhurst
2022/23: Honeyball
2023/24: Pankhurst
Major House Competions
Autumn Term 1: House Music
Autumn Term 2: House Art & Design
Spring Term 1: House Dance
Spring Term 2: House Drama
Summer Term 1: House Debating
Summer Term 2: Sports Day
Interim House Competitions
These are advertised to students during the academic year.
Our Four Houses
Emmeline Pankhurst – Political Activist (1858-1928)
Emmeline Pankhurst was a leader of the suffragette movement and helped to secure women the right to vote in this country. She is widely considered to be one of the most important figures in 20th Century. Time Magazine said: “she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back”.

Rosalind Franklin – Chemist (1920-1958)
Rosalind Franklin made critical contributions to the understanding of the molecular structure of DNA but was never credited for the discovery. She was a trailblazer for women in Science and many believe she should have won a Nobel prize for her contribution to the discovery of DNA. She also grew up very near to KAA in Notting Hill.

Maya Angelou – Author, Poet, Dancer, Actress and Singer (1928-2014)
Maya Angelou overcame racism, abuse and poverty to win a scholarship to study dance. She went on to become a world famous poet, novelist, actor, dancer and singer. She was also, and importantly, a key activist in the Civil Rights Movement.
She said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Nettie Honeyball – Pioneer of Women’s Football (1871-1901)
Nettie Honeyball led the creation of women’s football in England. In 1894 Honeyball placed an advert in the local press and persuaded about 30 young women to join the British Ladies Football Club, the first known women’s football association. She is a role model to all female athletes the world over, demonstrating the equality of the sexes in the field of sport. She said: “I have the fixed resolve of proving to the world that women are not the ‘ornamental and useless’ creatures men have pictured.”